
Hammacher Schlemmer Coupons, Deals and Promotional Codes:

  • Is based in the USA
  • Only accepts American Dollars
  • Ships from the USA
  • Ships by: UPS

Our Rating: (5 of 5)

About Hammacher Schlemmer

Hammacher Schlemmer is another one of our best-loved merchants. They sell such cool things. Check out their "Canadian duty free" area of the site. If you have never seen their website, go there now and take a look! Hammacher Schlemmer is an old-time "catalogue store" that sell a wide range of - well, everything. Name it and they've got it. They are located in Fairfield, OH and they ship using UPS but they use their own broker (Russell A. Farrow) to save you the normal high UPS brokerage expenses. It is a strange way around it but it seems to work.

Find out more at Hammacher Schlemmer

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